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3335 Wrightsville Avenue
28403 Wilmington
North Carolina

(910) 799-5587

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Smile World by Dana 20.09.2022
Disgusted with the business manager as well as the receptionists. Find a different vet. The heartache of loosing my dog was a lot but not getting the 1 thing I specifically asked for with the rudeness of the business manager is borderline laughable at this point. Why do I even have to say, at the very least you could apologize before getting one? Heartless. I was hoping they would try to make it right, instead of trying to turn it around like I was out of line for being upset about this. I learned that would not happen. Dr Anderson is the ONLY good thing from this office. I've only ever had good things to say about Highsmith Animal Hospital I love Dr. Anderson as she has been nothing but helpful and kind through all my battles with Duke, but I am EXTREMELY disappointed in how they handled getting me my items for my dogs cremation. 1. No one called to let me know he was ready to be picked up. I called this morning to double check since they said it would be Monday or Tuesday and I hadn't heard anything yet. I was trying to find out what time I could go pick him up or if they knew when he would be ready to be picked up and he apparently had been there. Yet there was no call made. 2. We specifically asked for my dogs print to be on a piece of paper as well as the clay. We were told this would be done. I was trying to do it myself and it wasn't working out the way I wanted which is why we asked them to please make sure this was done. I picked up my dogs ashes today. While I appreciate the nice box, the clay print and the hair, I wanted the print on paper for specific reasons. They dropped a MAJOR ball on this one. I would have continued to try to get his print myself at home had I known they wouldn't fulfill what we asked them to do and what they said they would do. I used to recommend this vet to everyone I knew and didn't know that had a pet. But this is something that was extremely important to me. I can't bring the dog back to life to get it. The cremation place said they would have been more than happy to fulfill the request if THE VET'S OFFICE would have put it in the notes which they DID NOT DO. Disappointed and completely heartbroken is an understatement.

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