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Hours set on 24/02/2024
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Gregory Sadler 19.08.2022
So on Wednesday night about 8:30 PM, I ran out of gas on the highway. I was able to safely get over to the right.

I have been a AAA member for about 15 years and have used them twice.

About five years ago my car broke down in the Washington DC area, and I called AAA.

About two hours a tow truck came and towed me to the shop.

On Wednesday night when I called AAA .
they said their will be somebody there within the hour.(60 min or less).

An hour and a half later I called to check on the progress, they said they still have not found anyone to come help me.

An hour later I called back and was on hold for 30 minutes waiting for a associate. They said “a tow truck company has been assigned but they don’t have any drivers“

An hour later I called back and was put on eternal hold and they never answered.

At midnight I decided to try in hail and Uber. I finally got a driver to accept a call, but they got lost trying to find me. An hour later they show up. They were very helpful. I was very impressed with that driver for sticking with it.

Although it was a really weird situation as well. If you don’t know how Uber works only the driver supposed to be in the car when they pick you up.

Well this driver had her husband in the car, it appears he rides around with her everywhere she goes. that is highly against Ubers policy.

Turns out they were tweakers. I do not think that they were actively on anything. At least the driver was not.

However, they were very helpful. They gave me a ride to the gas station about 6 miles down the road where I bought a $12.02 gallon gas can And 2 gallons of gas.

I told the driver if they Would stay with me after they dropped me off as the uber call, I would put $40 worth the gas in her car. She agreed they were very happy because they were on empty as well.

I got my gas and they drove me back to my car which took about 25 minutes because they had to go northbound for about 10 miles and then take an exit to turn around and come back to my car as it was in the southbound lane of I-35

The driver’s husband actually ended up putting the gas in my car for me and then they followed me back to the gas station to make sure I made it there safely.

I had another $50 in my pocket so I gave them a tip for helping me. I felt that was good because they save me a lot of stress.

The husband asked if I wanted to buy some ICE. I said “no thanks I have a bottle of water in my car”

Then he asked I I needed any weed… I said, no thanks, Im good. I got home at 3 am… and out $125 in expenses. Makes AAA WORTHLESS.

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