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365 North Military Trail
33415 West Palm Beach

(561) 687-2782

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Cat Source: Cylex | 20.07.2010
I took my car here to get a quote for a problem with my tail lights. I told George that I simply wanted to see how much it would cost to fix it. His exact words were, “OK, leave it here and I’ll take a look and get back to you.” The next day when we came back he told us we had a very complicated problem that took him hours to diagnose and trace and that it was going to cost well over $400.00 to replace several parts and fix the problem. We were not expecting this much money as it was a minor problem, so we told George we would have to go home and look over our finances and probably come back soon.
He got visibly angry after this, started shuffling papers and pushing things around and said, “Well, if you’re going to fix it, today is the day.” We felt like he was being pushy so we just asked for our keys back. Then he told us it was going to cost almost $200.00 for the diagnostic fee. We were shocked because he had never mentioned anything about a diagnostic fee and we were never given an invoice or any paperwork to this effect when we first took the car in. When we questioned this, he raised his voice and started yelling about “You expect people to work for free??”. We tried to calmly explain that we don’t expect anyone to work for free we just expect to be informed in advance of such exorbitant fees. The dealership charges a diagnostic fee of $90.00 after all, but you get an invoice and paperwork before you ever hand over your keys. After much heated discussion, he refused to give us our keys back without paying and signing “a receipt“. At this point I was exacerbated and just wanted to go home. Once I got home I realized that the “receipt” was the invoice for the diagnostic work which was dated the DAY BEFORE I actually signed it.
To top everything off, once we got home we looked up the tail light problem online and had it fixed ourselves with just a screw driver in under 30 minutes, nothing had to be replaced or rewired as he had vehemently claimed. So much for a “complicated problem”.
This company takes advantage of people and is dishonest and lies to cover their tracks when they make a mistake. Save your time and money and go somewhere else. He’ll probably tell you tons of things need to be fixed or replaced and rip you off like he did to us.

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