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scottwalshtx Source: Cylex | 21.03.2014
Very good
I consulted with 3 attorneys before Ms. Shank, all three insisted that I made too much money to file a Chapter 7 or that I had to wait about six months, unacceptable, Decided to try one more time. Walked into Ms. Shank's Office and they immediately said "Chapter 7, No Problem" She is right on point. Today, I got my Chapter 7, what a relief. Don't know where those other lawyers have been hiding.
Andre Hollins Source: Cylex | 14.12.2013
Very good
I recommended Erin Shank's law firm to anyone in the State of Texas. She and her legal staff will treat you with dignity while also providing you with accurate and up-to-date information about your case and the legal process. My bankruptcy seemed like it would be stressful but as Erin Shank's firm answered all of my questions with expertise, my tension was eased. Erin's 30+ years of experience with a concentration in only bankruptcy law were what made me choose her law firm over any other, and I made the correct choice. This means that you can feel secure in knowing that your case will be *properly* filed! If you're in the military, ask about the military discount. Erin also specializes in knowing the laws pertaining to military-affected persons in bankruptcy, so this should be important to you. Overall, with very reasonable fees, an awesome staff that communicates well, and decades of bankruptcy law experience, Erin Shank's law firm should be your first and only choice to get rid of your debt once and for all.
OliverGarcia Source: Cylex | 13.12.2012
Very good
Outstanding! All staff very friendly and helpful. Would recommend to everyone.

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