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485 S. Independence Blvd, Suite 104
23452 Virginia Beach

(757) 383-9229

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Da Belnix Ulor Source: Cylex | 18.04.2015
Very good
I’ve had several bad experiences with cops; but this one with traffic ticket just made me really sick. I felt it was unfair since I wasn’t really overspeeding; something had gone seriously wrong. I contacted Swango Law P.C., Virginia Beach, and my case was dismissed. It was great that I got to know that one doesn’t have to pay for mistakes he/she hasn’t committed. What I liked most about Swango Law P.C., Virginia Beach, is that they kept me updated, called me for some information, and always made me feel that they were really holding my back.The way they gather information and treat client information is also amazing since everything is treated confidentially. I can’t thank them enough.
Or Marrik Bertnosrix Source: Cylex | 18.04.2015
Very good
Reducing of charges is never an easy job,especially if you to do it on your own.However,when You work with a qualified lawyer,things become different.I had been charged with assault.It was something that came from a minor confrontation when we were both high,but my buddy rushed to the police,what I heard was just heart-wrecking;I was charged with assault.In as much as it was a tough case in Virginia beach For Swango Law P.C.,that was just boneless meat for them.Apart from the case being dismissed because of baseless accusations,we were both warned.Thanks to Swango Law P.C.,Virginia beach for their great defense.

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