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1650 General Booth Blvd.
23454 Virginia Beach

(757) 350-7300

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Kirsten Baptiste Source: Cylex | 21.12.2022
I am beyond frustrated with this location. When I moved to the area a few years ago I decided to try this gym and online there was an advertisement for a FREE day pass. I filled out my information and accepted the pass and then I went into the gym at about 5:30am where the front desk lady tells me that the Red Mill location does not participate in the free day pass and charges me for my visit. At that time I just thought that each location could choose not to participate in it. I then decided in 12/2021 to call in and set up a membership for myself, my husband, and our three kids to go to the play zone there while we worked out. Fast forward to 11/2022 I make my first phone call to this location and spoke with the front desk person and asked how to cancel. They then told me that in order to cancel I HAD to come in to the facility to request it in person. The lady then took my name and phone number down and said that someone would be getting in touch with me. I never received a phone call. Then I call in about a week later and asked another person how I can cancel, they proceeded to tell me the same thing, that I had to come in to the facility. I am unable to go in due to getting ready for our move and due to work. The lady offered no other resolution. I call again on 12/5/22 to see if there's any other way to cancel, this time I speak to a gentleman and he tells me that I can request it via email and provided me an email address of an employee that works at the red mill location. I then sent this email on 12/5/22 to the email provided and never heard back. On 12/15/22 I call in to the gym again to find out what to do to get this cancelled and I speak with a lady who was kind enough to send an email to the employee that I was told it needed to go to and they copied me and the GM on it. NOW I hear back stating that my 30 day notice is going to be acknowledged as 12/5/22 because this was the first day that I provided written request for cancellation. However I did tell him about the previous phone calls and that I was not informed that an email would suffice. He still states that 12/5/22 will be the date of notice UNLESS I wanted to provide a copy of my husband's orders or provide a medical not from a doctor stating that my cancellation was due to health reasons. I then request to have him highlight the portion in the contract where it states that I must come in to the facility to request cancellation like his staff told me twice in November. He sends the cancellation portion of the contract to me and NOWHERE does it state that it MUST be in person. It only states that it must be written notice. So I call in to the facility again after seeing that and speak with a gentleman and I tell him that I would like to provide feedback on the cancellation procedure. I tell him what happened in November and I tell him about the contract. He told me that they are told to tell us that we must come in to the facility to request cancellation UNLESS we have moved out of the area. I then call a different Onelife Fitness location and tell them what's been going on. I spoke to a gentleman who stopped me mid sentence when I was telling him how they told me on multiple occasions that we had to come in to the facility to cancel and he told me, that was untrue! I NEVER once had to come in person to request this. He also asked me what email address the person on 12/5/22 provided to request cancellation and he told me that was not the proper email address to use- it should not have gone to a direct employee of the red mill location. Then I asked him about the free day pass and if each location can opt in or out of that promotion, and he told me that every location has the same promotion. It is company wide. I have been lied to and mislead from the very beginning.

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