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304 Hedgerow Dr
15367 Venetia

(412) 508-0571

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Recent reviews on Yably

Ronald Branden Source: Cylex | 24.06.2020
Very good
M&C Solutions were great to work with! We hired them on to clean our office while it is closed due to covid-19. They came in with the new fog spray technology to disinfect the entire place and I am blown away! Not only does everything look and smell amazing, (no harsh chemicals so it doesn't leave that nasty bleach smell) but they also sent a video so I could see everything they did! I now feel completely safe that everything is clean and bacteria free for when the time comes that we can open back up. Very quick to respond, get a quote and get the team out to our office. 10/10 would recommend to anyone!
Todd Lopez Source: Cylex | 07.06.2020
Very good
I hired M&C Solutions to perform their fog spray disinfecting service at our hair salon. Their technicians went above and beyond all of our expectations. They disinfected every single part of our salon from top to bottom- even going as far as disinfecting inside of our station cabinets! The best part was the personalized video and certificate that comes with the service- it was a great way to share with our customers the steps we took to keep our place safe and clean.
Arthur Sipes Source: Cylex | 26.05.2020
Very good
M&C Solutions is 5 stars!! I used their fog spray disinfecting service and they were amazing!

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