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4534 N. Valdosta Rd
31602 Valdosta

(229) 245-7306

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Hope Plummer 06.06.2022
I'm telling yall do not go to Thomas Collision. They gave me three different weeks my car would supposedly be done with a completely different story from the first to the second time. They gave me my car back with broken, discarded pieces all in the back area. And then gave me my car back with a check engine light on. They did not call me at any point to tell me that my engine light was on. When I got in the wreck it wasnt on, and it wasnt on before that. It was not even on when the tow truck came to get it because I had shut my car off when I got in the wreck and crunk it up to get it home for them to come get it. Then they tried to tell me that insurance would not pay for it because it was a permanent code. It was not because my light was never on. It is for my cam shaft position sensor. And they knew it was on bc when I talked to them before leaving they were able to tell me exactly what code it
threw. It happened while it was at this body shop. It either came loose or got dirty when they got ahold of it but either way, my car went in there with NO ENGINE LIGHT and came back with one. And even if my insurance wouldnt cover it, it would have been nice if they had called when they noticed it and asked did I want to pay for the part out of pocket, and they could have easily put it on while they had it tore apart. Super unprofessional. Then you have Langdale Kia trying to tell me it is going to be 700 to 800 to replace the sensor at a minimum. The sensor is less than 80 dollars and everywhere says the labor is around 45 minutes to an hour tops. So you're trying to tell me that your labor is around 700 an hour. Whatever... oh. And my OBD scanner that erases codes and all conveniently is missing out of my car. I always had it in the trunk part. So yeah. There's that too.

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