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3511 South Peoria Avenue
74105 Tulsa

(918) 743-5353

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Recent reviews on Yably

Heather Bailey Source: Cylex | 29.11.2019
I have been to Z Studios a few times and always loved how great of a job they did on my hair except for the last time I went. It was July of 2018 I visited the brookside location where I got my hair cut and also got blonde highlights. I quit dying my hair to let it grow out and eventually become all natural healthy hair which I did achieve so I decided to get highlights once again which was a huge mistake. When I arrived at the salon my hair was healthy, after paying $130 my hair was fried. Z Studios did refund my money and gave me a free conditioning treatment which of course once your hair is burnt/fried nothing will help. I was then told I should purchase a certain shampoo and conditioner which was around about $50-$60 each. As far as my blonde highlights which weren't blonde nor did they look like highlights the majority of my hair ended up looking gray on top of being burnt. Z Studios did nothing about my "highlights" at all. Yes they did refund my money which I was thankful for that and the conditioning treatment but my hair was burnt and gray. As of now I would not recommend this place if you want to feel better about yourself or your hair.

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