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843 South Campbell Avenue
85719 Tucson

(520) 881-2277

Opening hours

Hours set on 08/05/2022
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 03:00 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Francine Turner Source: Cylex | 17.11.2012
The driver could not find our car even though we sent him the physical
address and it was in front of my children's school. so really, he
couldn't find it was ridiculous. When he got out of his truck he gave
me the dirtiest look and said that I needed to learn how to give
better directions and how he just lost a half an hour driving around
without pay. How much more detail did this idiot need? He was rude and
just mean and my two small children saw the whole thing. Then he had
to show me how to use a cell phone because I told him I had text the
physical address plus the main cross streets. Then he continued with
his sarcasm saying why didn't you call direct why where you texting
someone else for a tow? As if he needed a reason, I told him I had no
service on my phone and I use it through hot spots and I was using the
schools and my phone breaks up so the text works better. Either he
wasn't listening or didn't know what a hot spot meant but his response
was this, so you don't know how to use your phone? here let me show
you. So he took out his phone flipped it open right in my face. I was
so shocked at his behavior that I froze. I told him he was being rude,
he said he wasn't. I said but your are being very condescending and
none of this is my fault I gave the right address. He agreed saying
yeah ok I'm am being condescending, do you still want me to tow that
car or not? I said yes please I am in a borrowed car with two kids so
please tow it for me. He reached is hand out and said, no told me,
give me the key. I gave it to him and off I went. what upset me more
was getting into the car and hearing my kids ask me why was he mad at
you mommy? The only thing that they can do now is have that miserable
pile of flesh apologize to my children, but it was a good lesson for
them as well. If you are at a job you hate then try to educate
yourself and do better for yourself, and he probably isn't a very
happy man anyway. I was going to go straight to their building to talk
to the owner but when I tried calling him he wouldn't answer. Gee I
wonder why.

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