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10425 East Drexel Road
85747 Tucson

(520) 600-7100

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Recent reviews on Yably

Jennie Serrato 14.07.2022
Made a appointment to have my dog seen here. I asked if they can give her a urinalysis test because of her symptoms . She had similar symptoms of a UTI 6 months ago.I requested not to have any blood work until we know the results . So they proceeded to do the test it was positive and was given a antibiotic.
Next day her symptoms hadn’t changed but I noticed she had a lump under her neck. I called and they wanted to see her . Long story short they did blood work on her with out my permission and my pet had a reaction to the procedure of withdrawing blood they admitted that it was a mistake on there behalf .
Left there with more medication to fix their wrong doing.
I called Mgr. Regarding the charges and she admitted they didn’t follow instructions but was unable able to refund any charges .I will not recommend this place. I felt like they are greedy and only want your wallet.

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