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SHARON TYLER Source: Cylex | 10.12.2020
Purchased a loaf of Oregon Trail Blueberry Streusel (39455 11133 6) at Sam's Club in Hot Springs, AR yesterday. On the display, it looked so tempting that my friend and I could not resist. Was eager to try a slice when I arrived home. I found it to be very gooey and not a lot of flavor. This morning, I toasted two (2) slices with hopes it would be better. To my disappointment the answer is no. The bread requires a lot of chewing and sticks to the roof of my mouth. However the blueberries are great.
Could it be that the bread was not baked enough or packaged too soon and moisture caused the bread to lose the texture.
Plan to freeze the loaf or maybe just leave the wrapper open to dry it out a bit. Had thought to make French toast but to add more moisture does not seem like a good idea.
My friend bought the raisin bread too, I will check with her.
I will continue to try different methods maybe bread pudding...yes.

Thank you.

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