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501 South Falkenburg Road
33619 Tampa


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Hours set on 03/11/2023
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Recent reviews on Yably

Vincent Fostini Source: Cylex | 31.05.2022
for months i have been dealing with this company and their imporper installation of my new airconditioning unit that has water leaking from their drain pan through my ceiling through a light fixture under the pan and onto my brand new hardwood floor. my ceiling is sagging down they keep promising to fix my ceiling and now that i have taken time off from my job to get it done . once again northing but lies and deceit . their lead tech richard keeps telling me he will call back but never does.their manager CJ Magraw had eddie come out to my house on 5/23/22 to start work on the ceiling , only to find out he did not know how to do it correctly once he got here and saw the work needing to be done. CHJ promised me their technician would be here on monday 5/30/2022 (they do water damage restoration as well imagine that) on monday no one showed and i called cj magraw 813-540-0599 / 813 595 5621 only to find out he quit. I called richard their lead tech 954-319-2318 who confirmed that cj quit and apologised saying could not do it on monday 5/30 as his cousin who does the work had another job but would finish it up early am on 5/31.2022 and be out to start work on the ceiling. it is now after noon on 5/31/2022 and i have been hung up on 3 times by their rep charity, even told by a rep names mathias that he could not verify the corporate address in pompano beach. their word means nothing . they wil lie to get you to pay for their shotty work and once they get your cash they are like a ghost. i am tired of getting the run around if they cannot fix their mistake i will seek legal council

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