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Recent reviews on Yably

Chantella Schafer Burke Source: Cylex | 14.07.2021
I paid for overnight shipping. My package was supposed to be delivered last night by 8 p.m. It was not. I called the 800 number and was told that they would contact the driver that it would be here today no later than 8 p.m. I insisted that I would meet the delivery driver to pick up my package because it is for a business that I am doing a repair on. However, the first representative I spoke to, lied and told me she would contact the driver and they would give me a call. After an hour and a half went by, I called the 800 number again to be told by the second representative, that the first lied to me, that they were not allowed to contact the delivery driver. So he reached out to my local service center. I was still told that it would be here by 8 p.m.. I have been trying to get the local service centers phone number so I can call them. It is not posted online. There is no way for me to call the Distribution Center. This can cause me to lose a commercial account. This is not acceptable and I will never use FedEx again. The simple solution would have been to have this service center call me or allow me to call the service center so I could meet the delivery driver and pick up my package. So I could drive the two hours away to my commercial account incomplete my job. But FedEx is not accommodating my request.

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