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2201 104th Street South
98444 Tacoma


Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Anon anon 29.08.2022
i lived here from 06/21 to the end of 07/22, and let me just say, what even is this place???
my car got broken into with my catalytic converter stolen, my partners car got broken into while visiting, my roommates car got broken into,, and management did nothing (and my car was parked RIGHT infront of the office— and the breakin happened around 11 am!!!)
the parking sucks, its unsafe, they provude a dimly lit “gravel lot” super far away, and when i was walking back to my apartment from the gravel lot i got FOLLOWED by someone obviously f*cked up and had to PEPPER SPRAY them. there are no cameras, no security patrolling, nothing!
walls are super thin, cops were called multiple times on our neighbors. there is gang activity, multiple shootings (i watched someone get shot from my window, and another man get tackled for beating a girl). the exits are always blocked due to police being there BECAUSE of the shootings (im talking once a week if not more).
not only is it unsafe, its overpriced. someone the BASIC TRASH fee changed every month (even though the trash bins were never taken care of, garbage everywhere).
we were paying for amenities that are NOT EVEN OPEN. and management says they cannot do anything about the gang activity, the domestic violence fights everyone can hear, the trash everywhere, the vandalization in their OWN parking lots.
we chose this place because we were tight on money, and WOW what a mistake. the whole time living there i wanted to break my lease. theres animal waste everywhere, garbage everywhere, maintenance never fixes anything (our washer was flooded for a month lol).
moved out to see they charged us $3000 FOR MOVE OUT COSTS! but funny enough, no itemized bill or detailed receipt was sent. so im just supposed to trust your $3000 worth of damages with no explanation?
i took photos of our place when we moved in and moved out— and i will be disputing the charges. obviously they want to get as much money from you as possible— because the damages that were there i offered to have a third party fix— and management told me NOT TO as it would incur more charges. come to find out in the lease, a third party is supposed to fix the damages.
i wish i had better things to say about this place. but dirty, noisy, dangerous, overpriced, and scamming is all i can think of. please move somewhere else, there are far better places that are WAY more affordable that dont try and frick you over like they do.
Tadon Oxnis Kalor Source: Cylex | 18.09.2016
Altitude 104 is the best kept secret in Tacoma. The leasing agent and office staff are great!! I can't believe this is the same place that was "Eagles Landing". I love it here!!!
Geres Ride Masex Source: Cylex | 25.01.2016
They say these apartments are remodeled. They look nothing like tear model unit. They are cheap. All the money went into the office. The staff are rude and they gossip about each other to the tenants. The utilities are serviced through a third party called conservice. They will overcharge you. I am one person paying 177 dollars just for my electric bill. The area is not great and the apartments are a nightmare. Unfortunately I am in a lease. I was basically told by one leasing agent that when I move out the assistant manager will charge me for every little thing. Just a for warning don't live here!!!! Do not get sucked in by one month of free rent like I did. If you try and contact anyone of importance in the pinnacle company they will ignore you. Again. Do not live here!!!

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