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Hours set on 13/05/2022
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Randers Source: Cylex | 30.01.2014
Recently had one of the worst experiences in my life there. My elderly mother was dropped off for a cataract surgery on her scheduled time. I live just a few minutes from the facility. I received a call and they said they would not do the surgery unless I sat there two hours or more. I explained to them I had a very fussy baby that I cared for, and waiting two hours there would not work, but I reassured them I was a phone call and just a few minutes away. They have no kids/babies area, no Wi-Fi nothing, I mean really, with all of the money you're making, spend a little to update your facility to make peoples extremely long wait times somewhat more tolerable.
Do all doctors feel that only their time is important? I was told the final word would rest with the office manager. Well, she was unrelenting, unapologetic and rude. She seemed more concerned with winning a debate, rather than servicing a good customer. So, if I would not wait there (or in the parking lot) with my fussy baby for two hours or more, they would turn my mother away. She told me Dr. Jansen agreed with her decision. So, as you can see, there is no common sense at this facility. What they fail to realize is they're in a service industry. Long wait times, rude staff, boring facility all add up to the total experience, and the total experience is lacking there.

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