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24510 Glenloch Rd
77380 Spring

(281) 662-2006


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Van Zexrah Casbus Source: Cylex | 16.12.2015
I am an unlicensed contractor that G***** used to try and finish up a 2-bathroom remodel job. He fed me a host of excuses as to why his workers couldn't finish the job and he wanted me to fix and finish what they had started. I had to wait days for materials and a helper that he promised would give me a hand. The helper worked for ***** before and told me he knew the contractors that started this job. He said they walked out because they were not getting paid. When I brought this up to ***** he denied it. His excuse was that he was short handed and he pulled them from this job to finish up another. I worked and did what I could until more than a week passed and I wasn't getting paid. Excuse after excuse was all he was giving out. The customer showed up a couple of times and questioned me about who I was and where the other guys were. He was a nice gentleman and I explained to him what was going on. He told me things were rocky from the start with this remodel and that ***** had been rude to his wife during a phone call. The customer told me that it had been 3 months since this job started and it was not complete. They were living with in laws because the 1st guys demolished both bathrooms instead of one at a time, leaving them without a restroom! That is totally unacceptable. I don't know if the job was ever finished but I did what I could because I wanted to see these nice people back in their home. I had to walk away like the workers before me because I wasn't getting paid as well. I spoke with the customer a couple of times afterwards and they had not moved back in their home as of then. He did tell me that ***** asked for substantially more money than he originally quoted them and he gave it to them. Unprofessional across the board on every level. Do not get suckered into this smooth-talking hustler. He will tell you whatever you want to hear and give you a ton of excuses when none of it actually happens.

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