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94 Fairview Church Rd
29303 Spartanburg
South Carolina

(864) 707-5162

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08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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Slavic Lozitskiy 20.09.2022
BEWARE BEWARE: I had my BMW M5 diagnosed and repaired there a few years back, he said I needed my high pressure oil pump (vainos pump) replaced. I brought him a new pump and a new vanos gear that I wanted him to also replace but when I came to pick the car up I noticed the brand new vanos gear still on his table. When I asked him about it he tried telling me it was the old one, as if I'm that dumb and can't tell the difference. I got my phone out and show him a picture that i took of that gear before I gave it to him to preplace, they looked exactly alike even had the same numbers on them. He just started laughing and told me they all come with the same numbers, I said " do all of them come with that scratch too" (one of the numbers was scratched). When I got in the car it wouldn't start, when he tried he couldn't get it either and I left without the car that day. He called me a few days later and told me he finally got it started but it still doesn't drive and he no longer wanted to work on it. When I took it to a different shop they said that someone really messed the whole engine up, it's shooting fire out of the intake and burning the air filter somehow, that I basically needed a new engine. There's a lot more to this story I could write a whole book on it I just don't have the time like his wife (the lady at the front desk) going off on me. He'll probably respond to this review with " we don't have anybody with this name in our records" like he did to the other low ratings but I have him in mine that's for sure and I have proof if you guys need it. I ended up getting pennys for that car at an auto auction, just a true nightmare. BEWARE: Worse then backyard quality.

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