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257 E Prater Way
89431 Sparks

(775) 823-9696

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Ian Bullard 06.08.2022
I decided to give this place a try, since they have great Yelp reviews and a 5-star rating. Their quoted price was the highest of the five businesses where I inquired, but I figured that also spoke to the quality of their work. The appointment process was simple and convenient and everyone I spoke with was friendly.
I dropped off my vehicle for my 8:00am appointment and was told that it would be done at the end of the day. Perfect!
When I came in to pick it up, they were just about to close and so the transaction was pretty quick. The exterior looked great but, at first glance, the interior didn't seem as clean as I'd expected. As I spent more time looking it over, it was clear the the job was not done well (see photos).
The manager (I assume he was) apologized and said that they would get me back in ASAP to do the job right. It was the 4th of July weekend so I said I would bring it back the following Tuesday when they reopened after the holiday. A bit of an inconvenience, having to arrange another ride across town to drop it off and then one to pick it up again, but I appreciated that they wanted to make it right.
I dropped off Tuesday morning and the manager apologized again, stating that they have some new employees who haven't been properly trained yet. He said my vehicle would be a perfect way for him to show them how the job should be done and that he would personally handle it.
When it was done late that afternoon, I arranged a ride to pick it up again. After one look at the interior, I was so disappointed. I asked the manager to come take a look with me. He stated that they had gotten the interior as clean as they could and all of their cleaning agents are of the highest quality. I disagreed and, to prove my point, I spit on my finger and rubbed a spot on the back of the front passenger seat. The area that I rubbed was immediately clean and it was obvious that it wouldn't have taken much effort to get the entire interior clean.
Once again, he apologized and asked me to bring it back to make it right. I obliged, though frustrated to have to arrange rides again and to spend yet another day without my vehicle.
Finally, after the third time, the interior looked pretty good. By this point, I was done with this place and didn't want to be troubled any further. I was disappointed with the quality of the job, with the inconvenience of multiple trips to and from the shop, and that, though there were excuses and apologies along the way, there was never any offer to compensate or discount the job for all my trouble and dissatisfaction.
When I got my vehicle home, I went over the areas that were still not clean myself. I feel like I went above and beyond to give Distinct Auto Detail every opportunity to succeed but, unfortunately, they failed me.

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