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Contact info

28733 Franklin River Drive
48034 Southfield

(248) 436-4094

Opening hours

Hours set on 26/10/2022
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Jasmin Fleming Source: Cylex | 12.06.2015
Franklin River Apartments would never be a place where I would recommend someone to stay. The biggest problem that I have with them is that the management acts like something they are not and they also won't tell you very important information about their apartments, you will just have to experience it yourself. That is why I am here to give you the heads up that I wasn't given. First, I would like to say that you can never have someone to constantly talk to or help you because it seems like they get new people every other week, and these new people seem to get worse. They can be very rude at times. My mother has gotten out of character a few times with a manager named Etta, because of how disrespectful she was. Recently, my mother had a complaint and one of the managers didn't want to talk to her so she acted as if she was on the phone with someone for about an hour. What type of professional does that? Also, they fail to tell you important information. When I moved in I got moved into the nature, literally my apartment building is surrounded by trees and the forest. I call it the forest and nature because I recently witnessed a deer have a baby by my patio. They like to tell you that "there may be a few little spiders because of the trees" There weren't a few spiders and they definitely weren't little. There are so many bugs all the time from little and big spiders, to Rollie pollies, to little slimy things. Thank god I have not experienced bedbugs. They also lied, I was told that since I do live in the nature, someone will come and spray for begs every Wednesday.... They will not come unless you call them. Now, I can deal with spiders but this place has gotten so out of hand that my neighbor and I have witnessed a huge type of snake by our patio areas. YES! A snake! We have it on video and everything. We notified that office and had them to come get it. But the office doesn't even have the decency to notify the residents. The building that I stay in is a pet building. I think residents should be notified to keep eyes on their dog at all times when taking it outside if a snake is around. I also hear many children in my building, it is warming up and kids like to play outside, and some residents won't even know that a snake could be in the grass their child is playing in. That's unacceptable. I planned to live in some nice apartments for a while, not a zoo. So I won't be renewing my lease and if they can't control their bug and animal problems, this place needs to be shut down.

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