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100 N Tallchief
74070 Skiatook

(918) 396-7787


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perrycat32 Source: Cylex | 01.08.2016
This a****** owner saw me and my husband with two small children in the car getting onto the highway using a turn signal and he speeded up jumped behind us from the other lane and almost ran us into a pillar head on. We had to do 80 miles per hour to try to catch up to him and some female with brown hair he had in his truck, he was going way over 80 miles. we caught him cause he had to go through the pay toll. My husband called him and asked why did he almost run is off the road and his exact words was get over it or let it ruin your life. He showed no regards for my families life at all. If I didn't run off the road he would have hit my vehicle on the side with my 8 month old baby. And to know that he says get over It. I contacted the police and will be giving them the video of him driving excessive speeds on the highway endangering others lives

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