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South Dakota

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Urnah Ganvus Zexlon Source: Cylex | 05.06.2017
SCAM SCAM SCAM Trusted Contractor/Handyman Services, CONSTRUCTION BROTHERS LLC. They are a scam in Sioux Falls that was been steal money thousands and thousands of dollars from residence that hire them to do work. They have the home owners sign a contract then take their down payment money and never return to do the work. This has been going on since before the beginning of the year and the authorities will do nothing because it is a civil matter. But you cannot locate Construction Brothers LLC or owners Cole and Dustin Comp so you cannot even take them to small claims court. They put a new add on craigslist and Facebook for business. The authorities need to do something to help protect the citizens of Sioux Falls from these thieves. KSFY did a very small story on them in June of this year. If you google Construction Brothers LLC you will find it.

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