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Contact info

10516 Silverdale Way, Suite 130
98383 Silverdale

(360) 633-3632

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM

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Susan Cregg Source: Cylex | 18.01.2019
Very good
I love this studio! All the staff are knowledgeable, lots of energy and truly motivate me to push myself further. I don't normally go to group workouts if I don't know anyone, but with I love Kickboxing in Silverdale they made me feel as though they already knew me and I truly feel at home there. Another great thing is that the level of expertise in the class is varied so I don't feel out of place since I'm definitely a beginner.
In Vanon Scares Source: Cylex | 30.12.2018
The facilities are very clean and the staff is supportive, informative and really motivating... they are great! The program itself is a challenging, excellent total body workout. They will tell you to 'go at 50%' your first time, assuming you are of average fitness and have not done this type of thing before. Take them at their word! They will not remind you throughout the workout, and if you are like me you will be super energized by the music, the atmosphere, and the attitudes of the coaching staff. They are supportive and will help modify, and teach you the moves, but they don't know what YOUR 50% is, so you have to be in charge of that, or you will probably really regret it the next day. Ok, the very best part of this workout (and I have never done anything like this before) was the total focus it brought. I thought of nothing else, no stress or anxiety was with me, nothing except focus, power, feeling strong, and being completely physical. I am not a great 'joiner' of group exercise but the group here is each working out on their own as well as supporting one another. They were super friendly and welcoming, and even though I was the oldest one in the room and definitely the most uncoordinated, I felt supported and not judged at all. The drawbacks I am finding are that there are no shower facilities, which is a big deal since I do not live nearby and I have to work after the workouts; only 2 bathrooms, and a small locker room with small lockers and no coat hooks. The facility is there for the workout and not our convenience, and the workout is truly empowering.
Melanie Joy Stroud Source: Cylex | 17.09.2018
Very good
I love this place! Every workout is so hardcore, but so fun I forget I am working hard! The staff are all super encouraging and fun, and the music is great!

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