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215 1st Ave W #200
98119 Seattle

(206) 547-1370

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Karilynn Rebeka Source: Cylex | 09.03.2020
Very good
Thanks to The Northlake Group I sold my very old outdated home quickly. I was not willing to remodel my home to stay living in it so I decided to sell it as is. The Northlake Group saw the potential in my home so they decided to buy it, this was the easiest selling experience I could have ever been through. They did not bring in additional people during the process, they managed to take care of everything! Highly recommend for anyone who is selling a outdated property they will pay you fair!
Wilie Sibylla Source: Cylex | 06.03.2020
Very good
The Northlake group has the most helpful staff I have worked with! They bought my home for what it was truly worth, they did not bring in any brokers I worked directly with them. They could have not made it an easier process, I will continue to use them if I decide to sell other properties.
Abbe Jorie Source: Cylex | 25.02.2020
Very good
The Northlake capital groups makes looking for a new home so easy! They offer nothing but the best homes that are listed in Seattle, they really care about presentation when it comes to looking at different homes while trying to choose which one fits you the most. I provided them with everything I was looking for, the area I wanted to be in, and most importantly how much money I was willing to spend. Luckily I got it all in one listing! I love my new home and most importantly I came in spending less then my original budget. The closing process was also very easy thanks to the Northlake capital group.

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