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2980 N Hayden Rd
85251 Scottsdale

(480) 305-6410

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM
07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Laurel Ashley Hoover 06.10.2022
This review is about my experience working with trainer Tiffany LeRoy.

The gym itself is amazing, all the staff are so kind and helpful. The only reason I am giving a 1-star review is because my recent interaction with Tiffany LeRoy. She has been my personal trainer for over a year, and everything had been amazing up until today. I always pay up front for one month of training, sometimes two months, because she insists upon this and makes it her standard. I had to cancel my training because I am moving out of state in a few days. This has been an unexpected move to say the least, and I have MANY unused training sessions which she has refused to give me my upfront payment back for services NOT rendered. Rather, she said that if I want any of my money, I'll have to enroll in her online personalized training!? This does NOT sit well with me. I paid her up front for over a year and I am moving out of state, and she insists on keeping my money for services not rendered...not professional at ALL. Be hesitant of paying trainers up front, especially this one!

She has made a few of the girls upset in the past that I've trained with and now I see why they are no longer training with her.

Note: I see another gentleman wrote similar review about having to cancel for unforeseen circumstances and a trainer deciding to just pocket the money for services unrendered.

Just keep in mind that if any emergencies come up like an illness, force to move, death in the family and you can no longer go - meaning if any LIFE situations come up - and you need to cancel your training before having used your sessions, you will NOT get a dime back.

I do not appreciate having the feeling I'm being taken advantage of especially after spending so much time with someone, let alone money. I've learned a HUGE lesson here.

Unethical & unprofessional business dealings by this trainer! Additionally, she began to grab my arm and stand in front of me as I tried to exit the gym and skip out on my last session, which I was so excited about. I repeatedly told her to stop touching me, but rather than complying, she followed me to my car.

Rant over. Otherwise, Independance Gym is a good workout facility.

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