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6517 South Tamiami Trail
34231 Sarasota

+1 941-556-9048

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Walk-Ins welcome. Appointments are available

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Recent reviews on Yably

Samantha Brown 03.09.2022
I’ve given this place many chances because I like Cindy and her husband. I’ve had a bad experience with 3 male employees now. Today was the absolute worst experience I’ve ever had at a nail salon. Cindy and her husband are out of town but I broke my nail so I had to go and get it fixed. I walk in and there is an older male employee asleep on the couch to the left when you walk in. They yell to wake him up and I guess I’m the lucky customer who gets to get her nails done by this half asleep person. We go back to the pedicure station and the water is cold, I asked for it to be warmer but it stayed cold. He was extremely rough and aggressive to the point that it was painful. He used a drimmel to remove the gel polish from my toe nails and then handed it off the person next to me to immediately use on another ladies toenails without and cleaning. They AGAIN passed it to the person down the row to use it on the other ladies toenails. THEN HE TAKES IT BACK TO USE ON MY FINGERNAILS. All without sanitation! My broken nail had bled and was bruised so I asked him to be gentle about 5 times and he did not listen. He used a dirty cuticle clipper while clipping my fingernails and was coughing the entire time very close to my face. He didn’t take me back to the nail table to do my nails he just did them in the pedicure chair, so he was very close to my face. I was so angry and in pain the entire time. I told him to not put nail polish on my nails cause I wanted to get out of there. I go to pay and the man checking me out says $85 dollars. Which is the same amount of money that Cindy charges me for a gel pedicure and dip powder.. I only had a basic manicure and a gel pedicure. The man who checked me out was annoyed I was questioning this and asked me if it was my first time there. I’m surprised he didn’t remember me since the last time he did my nails he made a couple sexually inappropriate comments to me about having s** with my husband which was odd since I wasn’t conversing with him. This place is dirty and the male employees are not professional . One of the other male employees that moved away told me I was lazy for not having children when he asked if I did and I said no. Just a disgrace. Stay away

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