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2165 20Th Street
34234 Sarasota

(941) 362-8341

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09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Fanver Caxbir Vinre Source: Cylex | 08.08.2016
The biggest mistake I made was to take my car to PERDIGAO AUTO BODY SHOP BRADENTON / SARASOTA. Yes, the price was low to medium and that is exactly their bait they use to get your business. The overall performance; body prep work, paint job, and the final buffing were a disaster. I now have a car that has all kinds of imperfections from their final paint job performed. Not to mention paint dings, runs, and sags on the paint finish. I would recommend for those reading this report REVIEW, that for the same kind of price point, you are better off taking your car to M**** A**** Body Shop. They will for sure, give you a better result on a paint job. The biggest problem that I encountered with PERDIGAO AUTO BODY SHOP, was that they just take your money and take no responsibility what so ever for their workmanship / warranty performed. They just don’t care! They are very unprofessional. The only thing they do WELL is take your hard earned money. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from PERDIGAO AUTO BODY SHOP IN SARASOTA / BRADENTON, FLORIDA. Believe me they will burn you. Now, the end result for me is; I have lost the money $$$ I paid them for their lousy work and now I have to repay a PROFESSIONAL auto body shop to fix their mess. Businesses that conduct carelessly and have no warranty for their services should be OUT OF BUSINESS. I am not fund of getting ripped off and I will not tolerate it! PLEASE BE CAREFUL.

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