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1707 Little Orchard
95125 San Jose

(408) 216-0118

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Recent reviews on Yably

John Fletcher Source: Cylex | 26.10.2015
Very good
Very thorough. Very punctual and easy to contact. I also wanted to have them paint a sealer on the wood when they were done cleaning and remediating the surfaces. I was told this was not something they normally do, but that they would be happy to do that as well, no problem. Would recommend them to anybody who needs water damage or mold remediation. Easy to work with. Overall an excellent experience.
Christopher Colgin Source: Cylex | 16.10.2015
Very good
They are amazing. They came out on a Sunday and a Father’s day. They dropped everything to come and take care of the flood in my house. Mike is the guy I worked with. He was extremely professional, so compassionate, and understanding. I was dealing with a major disaster with the flooding in my house. It was four or five of my neighbor’s houses were flooded. On father’s day I arrived back and my entire court cul de sac. My neighbors had their garage door up, and they were pushing water with a broom out into the court. It was a major job and not only were they johnny-on-the-spot, but they arrived quickly. I did not know if they would come, they were from the south bay. I have a home in Redwood Shores, a very nice home. They took photos and interviewed people. They made all my neighbors feel at ease which I think is very good because it was a stressful situation. Everyone had to cancel their Father’s Day plans. You will never get that day back ever. They worked quickly. Their pricing was lower than another quote we got.
Fran Vincy Assexfax Source: Cylex | 30.09.2015
Very good
Professional, clean, fast and effective, they came back to check on the work and lent us a fan to clear any lingering odors. Truly professional, they obviously take pride in doing a great job. No hesitation in recommending them highly.

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