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1884 market st
94102 San Francisco

(415) 966-0848

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

James Felcher Source: Cylex | 30.07.2023
This clinic is a scam and should be avoided a all costs. Any state has a standard of care law, and most states have corresponding telehealth laws. The experience of care you get from telehealth should be like going to the doctor, concerning staff professionalism and physician eval and care.

1. Normal telehealth places do not call, text, and email you all day saying things are incorrectly filled out, changing the day, time, or whatever excuse they make. A doctor's office: Call. Make appointment. Show up. Telemedicine: Call. Make appt. Show up. Simple, yes? you guys have an EMR? Are you compliant with all state regulations? Why do you need my insurance if you are cash only? And why do you not stop bothering me for a day? NOT THE STANDARD OF CARE. RUN AWAY.

2. Controlled substances are splashed all over their website like they're a drug lord on Lombard St. Dressed like Liberace. That is not quite legal...promoting your medical clinic by the promise OF DRUGS. This is false advertising and it is not legal.

3. Click on all their user terms and read them before checking boxes. You will find as you get toward the end they say "we guarantee nothing, you can't hold us liable for anything, you may not get an appointment, and we won't let you get a lawyer, and this is a scam with shady contracts as doctors

It matters not if you checked without reading, they are supposed to TELL you what you're agreeing to. So this nonsense is called "deceptive trade practices" and the FTA section 5 says NO.

4. Don't let them waste your time, because they will call, email, and text you ALL DAY. I never got an appt, but I hear they give out fake scripts. Check the BBB for details.


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