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Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Tony Palumbo 23.03.2022
While living here one of the residents crashed their car into mine totaling out my car. They did not leave a note. I notified the office of what had happened giving them a clear description of the red Kia optima that witnesses saw hit my car but did not get a license plate. I asked them if they would mind to send a simple email to the community asking if anyone had information to please contact me or the San Diego police department. The office refused and offered no assistance in helping me. They refused to look up their list of registered vehicles matching description. If you move here beware. This place is very unprofessional. The property conveniently located close to the freeway, shopping, dining. The property has a lot of landscaping that requires routine service. This goes on practically nonstop and the noise echoes throughout the property which made working from home impossible for me. The basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court are in high use by the residents so if you need quiet to make calls, concentrate on work, even watch television you will have plenty background noise. The sound pierced the walls. This is something to think about before choosing this place. The maintenance requests were filled 75% of the time. My apartment wasn't very energy efficient and bills can be higher than usual most of the year. The USPS delivery person a left note in our box stating she has Arthritis so if you live upstairs you will have to drive to the post office to collect your packages as she is unable to climb stairs. Be careful leaving at night and early morning often times I saw coyotes wandering the property as the property is next to the canyon. We were left without heat in the winter which was not fun. They never resolved the broken heater even until we moved out a month later.

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