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3670 Clairemont Drive
92117 San Diego

(858) 273-0540

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM

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Steve Source: Cylex | 19.03.2022
I was assigned to this dental office by my insurance. It was close by so I made went to their web sight and attempted to make and appointment on line. I was anxious to get a consultation and immediately got on their web site and attempted to make an appointment. I did not hear back after a few days and tried again. Once again I did not receive a response. I then called and got their voicemail. I left a message and once again no response. I called and left a second message that was not returned. I waited a few days and called again. This time I was lucky and someone answered. I made an appointment and had a good experience with the hygienist and with my time with the dentist. The dentist explained all the work I needed and I would receive a plan from his staff and we could start treatment. After two weeks, I never got any communication from the staff. I called and was told that it was emailed to me. I explained that I never received it and she asked me for my email address. I gave it to her and she explained that it was sent to the wrong address. My first thought was that a follow up phone call was probably in order when there was no response after the first email. After I received this email, I was told by the staff that my insurance would not cover any of the work I needed. I thought to myself, that can't be right. I picked this plan because I knew it would cover most of the work I needed. I called the insurance company and they told me that I would need the dental codes in order for them to tell me what was covered and what was not. Back on the phone to the dental staff. I had to leave a message and once again, no response. At this point I was very frustrated. I left another message. Next day I called again and I was emailed the codes. I called the insurance company again and I was told that all the work I needed was covered and I did have co-pays on all the items but a majority would be paid by my insurance company. I kept thinking to myself. "How did the staff get all the information from the insurance company so wrong"? Why did I have to call the insurance company and get the correct information? Why am I doing your job?
I am aware that the entire world is short handed right now and every one is looking for staff. Could that be the reason for the lack of communication and mistakes from their staff? I was willing to give your staff the benefit of the doubt. After finding out that all my work would be covered by my insurance I decided an in person visit was needed. After I introduced myself, I was not greeted in a friendly manor. I asked since the insurance company was giving me different answers to me then to you, maybe the best course of action is to submit a pre authorization. The receptionist agreed. After one week, I stopped by and she told me she had not heard any response and it could take up to two weeks for a response. Eight days later I called during business hours and got your voicemail but this time the mailbox was full and I could not leave a message. The next day (yesterday) I stopped by again and a different person was at the desk. I asked if there was a response from the insurance company about my pre approval. She explained that the person who deals with this was not in and she would need to call her. After waiting for a few minutes, she got off the phone and told me, she was told that it could take six to 8 weeks to hear back from the insurance company. So what is it? One to two weeks or six to eight weeks. The numbers are changing and I am NOT getting a good vibe about this entire situation. I went home and called the insurance company again. I asked if they received a pre approval from the dental office. They explained that pre approvals are NOT needed for an HMO and even if they did receive one it wouldn't show up on my account. She told me that a dental office would normally just do the work and bill them because we know for sure that the work I needed would be covered

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