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Erica Shih Source: Cylex | 09.08.2016
I have had the worst, WORST, experience with this company. Specifically this entity on Lemay Ferry Rd. My roommate and I had a fire back in November to our house. At that time, our insurance company had recommended this company to us. They ensured that our personal items would be safely stored at their facility and that they would pack up everything personally. We had a lawn mower and weed eater in the back yard that we asked to be stored as well. We were ensured that those items had been taken and packed into the truck for storage. A couple of months later after moving into a new apartment, we requested for our personal belongings to be delivered to the new address. Upon arrival, we noticed numerous items missing. They told us that they would look back at the storage pods to see if they could locate them. After about a month of back and forth and trying to get someone to call me back about my missing items, they finally agreed to just reimburse me for the missing items. The last item that I was missing was the weed eater. When they dropped off my check to me, they brought me a weed eater but was the wrong brand. I told them that this weed eater was not mine, so again, they told me that they would look for it and that it may have been misplaced in another pod. This encounter happened at the end of March. Now it is August and I had been going back and forth with Servpro for about 5 months about this missing weed eater. Any time I would call, they would just tell me that the manager was in a meeting or out on an emergency call and that he would call me the next day. FOR 5 MONTHS NO ONE RETURNED ONE SINGLE CALL. I also tried to email anyone I could from the company without any luck. I even tried to get my renters insurance company to try and get involved but they weren't able to do anything. For the past 2 weeks, I have been calling everyday to try and get a hold of ANYONE to talk to and try resolve this issue but again, I was told each time that someone would call me the next day. Surprise, surprise, no one called day after day. Today, I called again multiple times and finally got a hold of someone. I left a message and said that I would be receiving a return call. And to my surprise, I immediately got a call from Bailey McLaughlin. She told me that I needed to stop calling the office and "harassing" the employees. Are you kidding me??? I had been very patient with them for 5 MONTHS even though they would not return any phone calls. If you tell someone that you're going to call them back the next day and you don't for 5 months, then I'm going to call until someone speaks with me to resolve this issue. I then proceeded to tell them that I would come to the office to try and speak with the manager in the morning when he gets to work. Bailey then started to yell at me that if I showed up to the office, they would call the police. She kept yelling at me to stop calling and that they didn't have my weed eater and couldn't do anything about it. They offered me $50 dollars or to stop calling. We paid this company a lot of money to store and keep our valuables safe while looking for a new place to move into. They loss numerous items and even returned a couple of broken belongings. What are we paying you for then?? I would have packed everything up myself and gotten a storage unit if I knew that our things would be handled so poorly. That way I would at least know where my things are and that they are safely stored. Their customer service is just awful. They are rude and have no respect for you or your personal belongings. I filed a complaint to the Better Business Bureau making sure they know about the whole situation. I am writing this review so no one EVER experiences what I went through with this company. We had the fire in Novemember of 2015 and it is now August of 2016, almost a whole year has gone by and I am still dealing with them to try and get my belongings back. It has been VERY frustrating.

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