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7hills Property 02.10.2022
Hello, I am writing to let you know about an arrogant behavior we faced at the Rogers Ashly furniture store today, October 2nd at around 5:30PM. We would like your customer department to review the cameras and phone conversations to find the truth.

First, we have already purchased two sofa’s from Ashly Rogers store. Today, we went to buy matching TV stand. As we enter into the store we found a bar table with three stools on sale and placed order. Then, we went to the TV stand and almost placed the order. We were not aware of the warranties that we need to pay at the end. The sales representative asked if we have an Ashley advantage membership. We said yes, and gave her the advantage membership at the beginning. The sales representative tried to help us till end. When sales representative explained that there are two warranty charges to pay to bring down the price as I was ordering two different items, I didn’t quite understand, so I asked the sales representative to give me the price with warranties and without as we want to understand two warranties also to understand if I can add my sofa as well which I purchased before to the same warranty.
Then the sales representative said I have to bring my manager and went to bring. We waited for her.
As the manager approached my husband and I, she sat far, and asked what’s going ? I said I want to see if you can wave the warranty to bring down the price, the whole process, I was thinking that buying warranty was an option.

She said I can wave the warranty and you can pay more. My husband said then what is the point of waving the warranty rather we can buy with warranty and was about to ask if we can add sofas to the same warranty.
He didn’t even say anything else than that. She said, done deal and left with loud pitch. I was asking the sales representative what’s your manager’s name? Why she behaves like this? She came back and said we are done, we are done, we are done, done deal with a high pitch and made us walk out.

I called the store and tried to explain the situation, the front desk lady trasfer to Shawna only who behaved arrogantly. I wasn’t aware of it.

She said you know what you are complaining to me about me. I said we were here for the past 20 years and we never had to face this type of behavior. She said, your husband rose his voice and I had to do it and I am also in customer service for past 20 years.

I said let me know your name I don’t have to talk to you again. She said I said that before and I was in customer service for 20 years, but didn’t say her name.

I again called in to the store to get her name. The front desk lady gave me her name. By then she has told everybody that my husband started yelling at the sales representative and her.

I was trying to explain the front desk lady about what happens and asked why she behaved like that or what’s her problem? This time the customer service lady started blaming me and my husband and warning I am going to hung up the call. She said if you talk more, I am going to hung up the call repeatedly. I was trying to make her understand what happens. She said by law we don’t have to sell our products if you as you don’t respect our sales team. I said can we find the truth? She said, she knkws the truth. She also said go ahead and complain on me as well and take my name as well and started to spell her name as well.

Dear madam or sir whoever reads this email, we would like to watch surveillance cameras and the phone conversation to find the truth? Rather resolving the situation, we got treated blandly again and again. Is this the company policy and ethic?

We would like to take this to company officials and find the truth. Let us know how to proceed with this to find the truth.

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