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1751 Hwy 52 N
55901 Rochester

(507) 884-6419

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
01:00 AM - 10:00 PM
01:00 AM - 10:00 PM
01:00 AM - 10:00 PM
01:00 AM - 10:00 PM
01:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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Doxbe Exrod Perle Source: Cylex | 04.12.2016
Very good
I happily give Med City Dance Center a most excellent and positive review. I recently moved to Rochester, MN, and I’m so glad that I got connected to the studio. I have been taking both group and private lessons in many styles – from foxtrot, waltz, and tango, to cha-cha, salsa, and rumba, and even hustle and swing! The staff go above and beyond to make the learning experience comfortable and easy, as well as a whole lot of fun! Eric and Jess have different teaching styles that complement each other to make it easily understandable for any level, from beginner to advanced, and always take the time to ensure everyone is getting something out of the lesson. They even have fun extras like practice parties, potlucks, and guest parties! I am so thankful to be advancing my dance skills while making connections to others in the Rochester community, all while getting a great workout and having fun! Thanks Eric and Jess – you guys rock!
Vix Tuxdam Horuror Source: Cylex | 03.12.2016
Very good
This is my first review of ANYTHING ever, and I could probably write articles on it. So, in short, Eric and Jess are miracle workers. They create a relaxed and comfortable environment, and make learning dance seem easy. A friend invited me to take dance lessons with her at Med City Dance Center, and I was completely surprised with how friendly and inviting they were! They create a comfortable environment to learn in, and are incredibly awesome people. I never thought I would be good at dancing, much less be able to learn it so easily. Eric and Jess are the best dance instructors you'll find in town, and probably just about anywhere. Its also one of most reasonably priced danced studios in the city. Would recommend to anyone
Megan Kerssen Source: Cylex | 29.11.2016
Very good
Okay so I NEVER write reviews for things, but this dance center is so freaking awesome!! I have attended several classes with Med City Dance Center in Rochester, MN and because I had such an absolutely stunning experience, I felt I needed to share. I’ve now attended tango, Salsa, and swing classes with Med City Dance Center and I’ve had an amazing time in every class! The group classes are very welcoming with no intimidation for the beginners or the inexperienced, and they take their time with each student to help them become the dancer they want to be! I’ve always had a yearning desire to start ballroom dance and the wonderful staff here are making that happen! They are so friendly and fun to work with, not to mention their fantastic way of teaching, making everything easy to learn and remember! My favorites so far are the Waltz, tango, and rumba! The private lessons are phenomenal and I feel that I will get to the next level in no time! Thank you so much for everything, especially Jess and Eric, you make dancing so much fun! There is never a dull moment here.

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