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Vinben Tanher Himdon Source: Cylex | 02.02.2017
Yesterday I was in the Family Dollar in the Brookhill Azeala Shopping Center. The checkout line was rather long so I decided to browse a little longer. When I went to the register, a man and a woman were just finishing paying for their purchases. As I approached to checkout, the man ( dressed as a woman) stepped away from the register and began talking to a fellow employee. As I put my items up on the counter, he continued to ignore me. After a good 30 seconds I said curtly "Are you going to help me?". He looked at me like I had been rude to him and continued to talked to the other employee. Finally, he began scanning my items but would not push the register button to allow me to swipe my debit card. When he did, the reader still would not accept my card. By now I was frustrated and angry. After 4 attempts he finally got it right. He did not apologize even once for being rude and inept. I will NEVER go in that store again. Your employee H***** apparently believes that being transgender allows him to treat customers with disrespect. He needs to be retrained not just on customer service but on how to the the registers in the store.

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