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Aishwarya Source: Cylex | 07.08.2023
I truly wish I could give a 0, but since I can’t, I’m here with one star. I made the terrible mistake of trusting Larry Filio with my car insurance. During my time with Larry, I paid all my bills on time and was always met with incompetence and disrespect by Fildres( his so-called “billing expert”). Due to all the issues and incompetence I decided I would not be renewing my policy with them. I sent them an email detailing my dissatisfaction with the service and that I would not be renewing. 5 months later, I get a collection notice in the mail. Mind you, we always had automatic payments turned on so this was a HUGE shock to me. We received ABSOLUTELY no notification from Allstate, and nothing from Larry or Fildres regarding an outstanding payment. Regardless, as soon as we saw the notice we called Larry to get the bill taken care of at which point Fildres sent an email detailing that we had been sent to collections, and confirmation once the payment had been made. Now, a year later this same payment of $200 is bringing down my credit score 150 points, and affecting my ability to get a good interest rate on a home! When I call Larry because he told me that he is here to help and he has a young daughter like me and is always willing to help his customers, he says let me work out the details and I’ll get back to you soon. An hour later, Fildres calls me saying that a notice was sent on 1/20/2022 which makes ABSOLUTELY no sense because the date on the collection notice is for a billing date of 1/26. She provided absolutely no details on how or when the notice was sent. Not to mention, when I paid the bill on 7/22/2022 she said HERSELF that no correspondence was provided to us. All I want is for Allstate to call the credit agency and get them to delete this collections record as a goodwill removal given that this was paid IMMEDIATELY and absolutely no correspondence was sent to us. Fildres yelled at me, and hung up on me when she called us, and now now no one will even answer our phone call. I have truly never seen worse service in my life. And I hope that no one ever makes the mistake of trusting these fraudulent Allstate agents ever again.
Untur Hama Madlalon Source: Cylex | 29.11.2016
***DANGER*** TO ALL CURRENT CLIENTS AND PEOPLE CONSIDERING INSURANCE COVERAGE THROUGH THIS MAN: I have (soon to be cancelled) motorcycle coverage through this agent Larry Filio and he is the master of bait and switch! He purposefully quotes you low and adds all kinds of "discounts", even when you tell him you don't want them, to make you think you're actually getting a good deal on your insurance. But once you've signed up for your seemingly good insurance coverage things start to change. I paid one payment for the $240 coverage that I agreed upon and the next month I receive a bill for $500!!! All because Larry Filio, my INSURANCE AGENT, failed to tell me I had to sign certain waivers to remove $1,400 worth of coverage. Because I never received and therefore didn't sign, I had to pay the $500 bill or my coverage would have been cancelled! You would think that an INSURANCE AGENT would be competent enough to inform you of information like this but NO! Not Larry Filio. Once I called the call center and had an intelligent person clearly see what had happened I was able to sign the correct papers and it was back to normal right?!? WRONG! There is no "Normal" with a useless Agent like Larry Filio. I find out that since Larry finally took off the bogus "Discounts" that I never asked for in the first place, that all of a sudden and without notice, my NEW Bill is now $100 MORE PER MONTH than he had originally quoted me. BEWARE!! Doing business with this untrustworthy man will leave you BROKE and UNINSURED. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!

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