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9250 W Thomas Rd
85037 Phoenix

(623) 848-8890

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Loxbex Ribra Luritus Source: Cylex | 29.06.2016
Don't ever take your child or stepchild to the office located at 9250 W Thomas Road. They have a heavy set hispanic receptionist that will stick her nose where it doesn't belong. She will go against the stepparent(s) and will even go as far as to testify in court against them. There was an incident that occurred in which a mother tried to snatch a child from the stepmom causing injury to the child her own child even though she has legal power of attorney and it was the time. That receptionist lied in court under oath that the mother never did that. She also lied and sais the other small children preswnt wetent scared. Then she gave the mother a return appointment and told the stepmom that the Office Manager "M***" would call. A week later and no call from"M***" and the Receptionist helped the mother to get away with a clear case of child abuse. She wasn't able to even see the entire incident from behind the desk, the other "man"/employee was facing his back to the incident and the other "woman"/employee was in and out of the front lobby area. These people are horrible and they should be reprimanded if not loose their jobs for sticking their noses where they didn't belong and for lying for a mother in court just because she was hispanic and the stepmom isnt. Shame on this Doctors office, the front office staff and especially the Receptionist. This child will NOT be having surgery done by this Doctor and that is a fact. Take your child somewhere else anywhere else but here.

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