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888 E Clinton St
85020 Phoenix

(480) 561-2775

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Ross Martinez 12.08.2022
After living here for 3 years and finally being forced to move out due to the massive rent hikes here and not being able to afford $2000 a month for a two bedroom apartment that was never made to be move in ready when we arrived Day 1. We moved in during the pandemic in 2020 and thought that place was too good to be true welp it was. Upon moving in... we discovered big cockroaches, many crickets and even got stung by a scorpion along with walls that still had white spackle on them with an entire wall in the kitchen that was white from a hole being patched. In the kitchen there was a massive hole under the sink that looked like it led to outside so unless they patched it the next tenant will have to deal with the bugs coming from outside as well. Please be wary of the Scorpions as I was stung more than once living here inside my apartment. The master and guest bathroom tubs both had holes or scrapes on the surface of it which maintenance said they would fix during a quarterly inspection but never came to do so. We were assured by Heather the front office manager at the time if we notate these items on our move in sheet then we would be fine come move out time. Fast forward three years and now GreyStar the corporate office who owns the property sends us a bill for $1,800!!!! Trying to have us pay for the things they are supposed to have fixed while we lived there but they never did and things we had listed on our initial move in sheet like the tubs and walls. We thought the reviews before talking about this could never happen to us because we've lived in many other apartments and have never received a bill after moving out. Please take this a real warning for any GreyStar property. After speaking with Greystar the solution they presented for not being charged over $100+ each for your carpet, painting and cleaning of your apartment after moving out is to pay a third party to come in and do it for you and to show them a receipt. So if you can't afford a third party to come when you move out of Avana at the Point then get ready to get fucked over with BS charges from corporate. If you live in a unit for three years there are things called normal wear and tear in Arizona. Before move in make sure you ask them how old your carpet/when is the last time they have actually have replaced this, when is the last time someone actually came to paint your apartment unit but still be ready for a BS bill afterwards from GreyStar that you'll need to dispute with them.

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