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1401 W. Pecan St
78660 Pflugerville

(512) 594-0000

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM

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Gixles Sobert Rethe Source: Cylex | 21.02.2017
Whoever drove bus #57 this morning at 7:14 2/21/2016 was not paying attention to the turn lane. Heading South on Heatherwilde to cross Pecan, right next to the McDonalds, there are three lanes, one turn lane going left on Pecan, one lane going straight across Pecan, and one turn lane going right on Pecan. We were all waiting for the light to turn green to cross Pecan, I was in the lane to go straight and the bus was next to me in the right turn lane (next to McDonald's). The light turned green and instead of the bus turning it went straight across and did not have his blinker on like he needed to scoot over into the proper lane to go straight. The line to go straight was pretty long so I wonder f the driver did this as too not have to wait thru several lights so he decided to cut people off. Not sure if the bus had children on it but I followed it until it turned left onto Wells Branch Parkway. Please teach your drivers to obey the rules!
Puscel Cywus Celtond Source: Cylex | 11.01.2017
My wife and I were on a walk on the afternoon of 1/11/17 I saw a PFISD bus (bus #16) idling in our neighborhood with nobody in it. After many minutes I decided that there might be a problem (either a disabled driver, security issue, or abandoned bus). So I took a picture with the intention of calling PFISD when I got home in case there was trouble. It turns out the driver must have seen me take the picture (if I zoom way in she is in the back of the bus with someone else but the windows are so blacked out you can't tell from the sides). A few minutes later she drove up next to us, stopped the bus, rolled down her window, and in a very unfriendly voice demanded that I tell her why I had just taken a picture of her school bus. I told her that I though the bus was abandoned or might need help and wanted to call it in. In a very nasty voice she said "yeah, sure!" and drove off. As someone who was looking out for the safety of the kids who might have been on the bus (not to mention the driver herself), I was very disappointed that she treated me this way. She could have just said "oh! No, I was fine" and left it at that, but she treated me like I was some sort of creep. She also may have had a guilty conscience for taking a little unreported break?
Be Landdix Cylturtond Source: Cylex | 24.05.2016
Very good
Our Autistic boy has been with y'all for 2 years. His drivers and aids are just fantastic! We have become like family through the years and I appreciate all they do to ensure his safety and comfortability. Keep up the excellent work ¿¿

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