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Recent reviews on Yably

Tamara Scholtz 19.09.2022
I hope I have the chance to come back and delete or correct this review. I hope the company does right by me. I damaged my 2016 Ford Escape. I caused approximately $3000 in damage. I made an appoint with Classic Collision and paid for the necessary parts before I dropped my car off. I waited until the necessary parts had arrived at the shop to drop my car off. On August 11, i dropped my car. The estimate from my insurance company said it would take 14 days to fix. I was realistic with my understanding that it may take a little longer. On August 25 I received a text that they were over the halfway mark! Great! On August 29 I received a text that they would be finished by September 8. I was glad, my rental insurance would be gone after that date, on August 31 I was told that there were more parts needed, on September 2, I was told that they were nearing completion and that it should be in paint early that week. On September 7, I was told that the sheet work was taking longer than anticipated and on September 9, I was told that nothing had changed and a manager was now involved, On September 14 the manager contacted me and explained that there had been massive turnover but my car was a priority. On September 15, I was told that my car "made it over to paint" and that they would be rushing it back to me. On September 16 I was told that there had been less progress than they hoped to see, but they may have people working on it over the weekend.

Today, September 19, I was told it needs to be repainted for imperfections.

I had to return my rental on Friday because I can no longer afford it. What was supposed to take 14 days has now taken a month and a week, and it is now 11 days past the day I was told it would be "no problem" to get my car back to me.

I am hoping that it is returned to me this week, that I can change my poor review and give an excellent review instead.

The contacts have been courteous but the car is not being returned to me and it's a new excuse every time.

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