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1420 W Glen Ave
61614 Peoria

(309) 424-1034

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Lonn Ri Source: Cylex | 14.07.2016
I have been more than patient with this apartment management. I regret the move-in already!! Moved in 3 weeks ago. Was drawn to the advertisement because of a 24hr fitness center, large storage, and rent special. Been disappointed since!! Was told I would have new counter-tops on the 1st day; that took two weeks and "new counter tops" to them meant a coat of a type of paint. Which smelled so toxic it wasn't safe to be in the apartment at least 2 days. The fitness center is a hot Mess, IF you could even call it that. One machine comes on. The treadmill had exposed wires that were recently covered, but still besides one machine that doesn't look safe to use, they DO NOT WORK at all. False advertisement. (Was told day one that it all was being repaired the "next week".) Never happened. My storage unit has had a lock on it from the previous tenant that I have nicely asked be removed several times and after THREE weeks it still hasn't happened. Mind you, they cashed my money order though. I was told the deposit isn't refundable unless you stay a certain amount of years. If not they they only give you a portion for cleaning the carpet and something else (might have been painting). Which is against IL law to withhold a security deposit for any normal wear and tear. So they are looking for a future court date with me. The only thing I did appreciate is they allowed you to paint the walls since they claim to paint them each time a tenant moves out. The particular building I live in has an odor. And someone or maybe more than one tenant is smoking weed at least 3-4x a week. Which you can smell time you enter or exit the building or apartment. They claim to respond to maintenance request w/in 24-48 hrs which is also false. I just feel like everything that was promised on day one should have been completed. Especially the Fitness Center and storage unit. If you take a person's money, they should be given what they are paying for. It's that simple. I'm so over this already. I would not recommend this apartment complex at this time or probably ever!

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