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1750 Cypress Lake Dr., Ste.200
32824 Orlando

(407) 250-1436

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Tully Minoski 27.06.2022
Our move with Hilldrup had two dimensions, a traditional dimension where Hilldrup was responsible for moving our home goods and then a 3rd party liaison dimension where Hilldrup was responsible for coordinating the move of a specific piece of furniture that required a specialist.

Regarding the former, Hilldrup did a good job - proficient and professional.

Regarding the latter, Hilldrup did a terrible job. Hilldrup initially misquoted the price of the 3rd party work (which we relied on when choosing them), then refused to either eat the cost of their misquote or split the misquote 50/50. In other words, Hilldrup wanted to pass the entire cost of their mistake onto us. Eventually, we worked it out and then Hilldrup (a) changed the date of the move on the day of, (b) refused to pick up the phone after 5PM EST, © and provided zero information about any of the 3rd party communications they received. In other words, the communication was terrible.

When the 3rd party vendor did come out, they broke our furniture within 30 minutes of being onsite. After four months of mistakes and literally hundreds of e-mails, the work eventually got done. The whole process was horrible, and my wife and I got exactly zero customer service from Hilldrup except at the very end when one manager heard our concerns and agreed that the customer service we received was quite bad and that our experience would be used as a training opportunity in the future.

While we finished on a good note where someone did hear our concerns, we did not have a good experience with Hilldrup and would not use them again.

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