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19502 Molalla Ave, Suite 101
97045 Oregon City


Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:30 AM - 07:15 PM
08:30 AM - 01:30 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
06:00 AM - 08:00 PM
06:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Michelle DuVal Hower Source: Cylex | 22.03.2020
Very good
I can’t say enough great things about ILKB Oregon City.
After 6 weeks of kickboxing, I lost just under 9 lbs and 5.4% body fat. These results are not something that I saw when I was going to the gym and working with a personal trainer.
I knew it was going to be a great experience the minute my husband and I walked through the door. We were greeted by Tasha who was super friendly and went over everything with us. We were so excited that we signed up to be members before taking a class.
The facility is bright and clean and it’s not uncommon to see one of them vacuuming or wiping down the mat and bags in between classes (note: this was being done pre-coronavirus).
These classes not only help you get in shape but they help relieve stress. There have been many nights where I took some aggression out on a bag after a long, frustrating day at work. I always look forward to attending class because of how good I feel after.
Fellow members are all friendly and inviting. There is no judgment here like you may experience at a normal gym.
All the instructors are wonderful and genuinely care for everyone that walks through the door. You are greeted, by name, when you walk in and when you walk out. You are always guaranteed to have a great class no matter who is leading class. They are constantly motivating everyone whether in class or in Facebook posts.
When you join ILoveKickboxing Oregon City you become a part of their fit fam and they go above and beyond to make you feel like a family member.
Sierra Jean Sobel-Smith Source: Cylex | 10.03.2020
Very good
I've been going to ILBK for 5 weeks and all I can say is I'm obsessed. It's the first thing I think about when I get up in the morning, which class am I going to make today and it's the first thing I tell everyone I know about. I've never been a class person, they stress me out, but there is something different about this place. Yes, it's a class and you're working out around others, but everyone is allowed to go at their own pace, to push themselves as hard as they want to push that day. And the instructors are some of the most genuine people I've ever met. This is the first workout space where I'm greeted by name everyday when I walk in the door and everyone there knows about your goals and helps keep you accountable for your progress. ILKB is also just very empowering; you're working on yourself and your fitness goals, but you're also leaning the basics of how to defend yourself if you needed to and, as a female, that is an amazing feeling.

If you're looking for a place that will help you meet your goals and keep you accountable every step of the way then this is it. Yes, it is a little pricey, but all things actually worth it are. You could go down the street to Planet Fitness for $10 a month, but are you really setting yourself up for success? For $10, where's the motivation and accountability to go all the time? It's only $10, who cares if you skip a month? Think of ILKB as an investment, and one that starts showing results immediately.

I'm so grateful that I've found this community of people and I look forward to the classes and challenges everyday. I highly recommend ILKB to anyone looking to make a real change in their life and to have some fun while doing it!
Karla Vega Source: Cylex | 15.02.2020
Very good
“iLoveKickboxing has changed my life. Going in is honestly the highlight of my day. The staff are so awesome and motivating and Can't recommend it enough!

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