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68137 Omaha

(402) 597-3000

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Recent reviews on Yably

Grammzie Source: Cylex | 18.02.2018
I'm forwarding my email conversation with your customer service to every executive officer in your company to show you just how unprofessional your company is. As a regular, now former, customer, I would receive emails offering free shipping, no minimums, etc. but even after using the same email link to place my order I get charged over $21.00 shipping. Your great (sarcasm) customer service has the gall to tell me to be sure to use the link from the actual email (what, so I'm really stupid?), and to read the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the email. I've read them, and this is what I've concluded. Your free shipping offers are only a means to get customers to order in hopes they'll overlook your scheme, because basically what your Terms and Conditions states is that it only applies to certain items, but you don't mention that in the email directly. That's misleading, and it angers me very much. I've contacted your customer service department multiple times regarding this with no acceptable explanation. This time I have chosen to keep my email trail to submit to every consumer site I can because this is not good marketing, and consumers need to know. You've now lost me as a customer. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me three times we both lose.

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