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6002 S. 41St Ave.
68107 Omaha


Opening hours

Hours set on 24/12/2022
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

George R Source: Cylex | 18.12.2015
I met with this company and their owner several times to interview them and have them look over my home and all the items to sell in an estate sale. They visited more than one time and assured me it would be a very successful sale. I believed in them (Ronda Bernady) owner. I left them totally in charge and left for the two weeks they were to hold the sale. Number 1 she would not return my calls to inquire about progress. Number 2 when she finally answered my call the last day of the sale she told me it had not been very successful. She refused to talk to me after that. When I returned to my home the next day she had left it in a total mess. I was supposed to be at least broom swept clean. It was a complete mess and there was no paperwork for some of the items that supposedly sold. She lied, cheated, stole and misrepresented herself. I would not recommend this company/
Tur Noet Luxgus Source: Cylex | 11.05.2015
If you are looking for an honest competent co. to hold your estate sale, DON"T use this company. R**** F** B******, the owner is not what she says she is. She is very convincing at first but after she has earned your trust she will take you to the cleaners. BEWARE and don't use her or trust her, she will take advantage of that trust
Ranah Sage Londax Source: Cylex | 07.05.2015
BEWARE...If you are looking for an honest competent co. to hold your estate sale, DON"T use this company. R**** B******, the owner is not what she says she is. She is very convincing at first but after she has earned your trust she will take you to the cleaners. BEWARE and don't use her or trust her, she will take advantage of that trust.

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