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Recent reviews on Yably

Jessica Smith Source: Cylex | 04.08.2021
They said that they could paint my house in a particular timeframe and then blamed the crappy job that they did on being “rushed” and took twice as long. I would have rather they take their time instead of slacking on the quality. I was promised that they could get the job done before I moved in, but didn’t have adequate crew to complete the job in the promised time frame. When I moved in, I ended up putting my stuff in one room to keep it out of their way. At that point there was no reason to rush and should have taken their time and done a good job. Also, I paid over $700 for them to paint my interior doors and then they didn’t even paint close to the door knobs and they look really bad. The new door knobs that I’m going to install are the same size as the old ones, so there was no reason for them to not paint close to the knobs or just take the old ones off while painting. When I brought up the issues with the doors and wavy lines around the trim, I was told “that I get what I pay for”. They took the doors off the hinges to paint them and then tried to charge me to put them back on since I swapped out the old hinges for new ones. Additionally, be sure that they specify if caulking is included in the bid. I didn’t know it wasn't included and got charged for it later. Overall the project costed $1k more then the original estimate/budget and I was told that I’m lucky it wasn’t more. They blamed it on the trim being “difficult to paint” bc of the finish, which should have been easily noticed by an experienced painter. They left before they I could do a final walk through and when they were supposed to come back to fix the doors, they never showed up and blamed it on me. At this point I am so upset and I don’t want them anywhere near my house. I wish I would have saved myself the $3k and done the job myself.

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