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Recent reviews on Yably

CDToaster Source: Cylex | 19.04.2014
Pros: If Mr. Morales can fix your unit, he will do a good job quickly and at an affordable rate. That much I give him and that's good. But if he can't fix it, he'll tell you he WILL fix it but he needs more time and then you'll see the other side to this guy:
Cons: Mr. Morales is a lying thief. I've been living across the street from this bum for twenty (20) years so I know what I'm talking about. He accepted my $1200 Mitsubishi U-69 VCR for repair in 2012 but couldn't fix it, begging me for more time beyond 30 days. Weeks led into months, which led into a year, when he told me he needed the factory service manual to assist him which I provided. Months later, he continued saying he needed more time which I gave him because I wasn't in a rush to get it back since I had other VCRs to use. After a year, he continued to beg for additional time saying he's going to get his best technician on it. More months passed and before I knew it, he now claimed to have been unable to fix it so instead of calling me to pick it up, he just buried it in his basement along with other stuff he couldn't fix. I demanded it back but he kept telling me he needed time to FIND IT! After going back many times (since he's right across the street) I realized he was just stringing me along, having no intention of fixing or returning it to me. So I went there with the police hoping their presence would persuade him to find it but he wasn't intimidated, telling the cops that it was MY fault I didn't have my VCR because it has been longer than 30 days since I first brought it to him and according to his sign, he wasn't responsible for items left longer than 30 days! It was outrageous! It was he himself who begged me for more time over the course of 2 years, and now he refused to find it and return it to me. This was a beautiful top-of-the-line VCR which I brought to him only because a tape got jammed in it and it wouldn't eject. 2 years later, it's gone and my only recourse is to take him to court. He had the audacity to demand my producing the original receipt he gave me for it when I first brought it to him 2 years ago, telling the cops that without it, he's not responsible. He's a lying, thieving cheat and I hope everyone who reads this refrains from bringing him any business. Once you bring him anything, he'll keep it whether he can fix it or not. If he can fix it, he will do it quickly and reasonably but if he can't fix it, he'll tell you he will fix it but he needs more time and once you wait longer than 30 days, you'll never get it back.

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