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773 Lexington Avenue
10065 New York
New York


Opening hours

Hours set on 06/07/2023
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Yana Khokhlov Source: Cylex | 20.04.2020
I had been a client for over 10 yrs to this location and never had I had a problem. I walked in requiring on update I was due the girl that helped me was struggling with Info that's when Kenya stepped in.
I had explained I am struggling with over $300 phone bill which also included my kids and that's without unlimited serves . If my bill would be much higher I would just stay with my phone. She pained me a miracle picture saying I couldn't come in in more perfect timing that there is new unlimited plan cheaper than my current one I get credit for trade in and my bill will be lowered by $70 and I get free ATT TV ( which BTW I never used since I was never able to connect) to make it short this was in December . Now it's end of April. My bill is higher than before and I am being charged $300 for TV.
When my first bill came out higher she got it to adjust but it was only adjusted for that month after numerous text and lot of stress second got adjusted then she just won't answer my texts or answer week two later then she started to blame on Pandemic blocked me the only way I got her attention is to text from different number which took me over a month to get her attention. She said she will look into it still nothing . It has cause me so much stress and frustration. I am writing this in hope that no other will go through that and maybe someone will help me I have all the correspondence in writing. It's very upsetting that at a time when many without a job someone like Kenya takes her for granted by taking advantage Please save yourself frustration and do not go to her. I feel I been scammed .

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