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Hours set on 29/01/2024
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Recent reviews on Yably

Cas Texles Vakhex Source: Cylex | 01.03.2016
This is no representation of Wendy's..I have always complemented the young kids they hire as they all all so well mannered.But the bullard store is a bit different in one area in particular..I asked the lady before I ordered a fish sandwich,if it was fresh.The last one i got was refried and grey inside.The lady asked the cook the same question and she said she was cookin some now.Two minutes passed and the cook threw one on the counter.The cashier mentioned how fast it was ready.Turns out the reason it was ready fast because it was refried..I suspected that might happen and bought two of the 5 dollars meals frlm Kentucky chicken...I plan NEVER to visit that store again.I tried to call them to get no answer and decieded to post here
Rikris Niklox Tomtolin Source: Cylex | 18.07.2015
I have been going to Wendy's on Read blvd but since Wendy's on Bullard opened I thought them a try. I went on yesterday and they forgot my bacon, today I went I requested ketchup only no cheese and I get cheese. I ask for lemonade I got coke. This is crazy I understand people make mistakes but this is a fast food restaurant that's been around for decades and I can't get the small thing I requested. I think they should take there time and ensure every cust rcvs his or her order correctly. It's good I'm not lactose intolerant. I'm just saying cust's request are done for a reason they may allergic or just may not cheese or mayo etc.. As I'm sitting here the strawberry lemonade I requested for someone just told me it's raspberry, now this just proves my whole point.. Training is big!

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