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Saddenedbymedicalstaff Source: Cylex | 07.02.2023
EMT was rude/dismissive/did not introduce himself to the medical professionals or patient that called for EMS. Disregarded the provider’s assessment, and reason for the call. Informed the patient providers assessment was incorrect, and he the EMT would be able to tell if provider was correct in assessment. The EMT is not trained or employed to passively aggressively disagree with provider that called for EMS, nor was EMT called out to tell patient provider was incorrect. The EMT in this case is part of a higher issue within healthcare system, and the dismissive nature he initiated w the patient and other healthcare professionals is what leads to port patients outcomes and not seeking medical care . He the EMT knew nothing about pts hx, the assessment the provider did and why EMS was called bc he never once asked nor greeted nor spoke to anyone in the room. Until he some and told the patient his hr was not what the dr said , be he the EMT would be able to feel a radial pulse of 250 The EMT did not listen to apical pulse, he didn’t listen for abnormal heart sounds or attempt to obtain BP. Sadly, I am sure he took patient to ER and the report he gave was the same dismissive, no collection of date or hx and the patient prob won’t receive the care he needs . I will be taking this complaint further and higher bc this behavior, disregard for patients at a vulnerable time is unacceptable and down right disgusting.

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